Facts to Fill Your Calendar

According to data collected on 21,000 call attempts in 2013, your first attempt is your best shot at reaching a prospect via the telephone. Connect rates drop 33% after the first attempt. Get yoru best results by calling new leads first before following up with those you have already called. - InsightSqared

Fill Your Calendar with Appointments

What's the key to getting more prospects to become clients?

man a desk accomplishedWhen asked what's hold them back from the next level of success many sales professionals or advisors tell us it's not having enough appointments. This obstacle to success is frequently occurs even though most advisors and sales pros are resonsibile for filling their own calendar with appointments.

Perhaps you are facing this obstacles too. Even though you or your staff spends dedicated time on the telephone to make sure your calendar is filled with appointments... you don't have as many as you need to reach your goals. How can you overcome this obstacle? It's a smart decision to make sure your doing everything you can to convert more dials to appointments set every time you or your staff member dials for an appointment.



Fill your Calendar

Struggling to fill your calendar with appointments, click play to learn some tip and tricks for leaving a meassage and how to respond when you get someone on the phone.